SMB shares on Android



透過samba 讓android 裝置存取其他android 系統的檔案(不需要root)

samba server 可以讓android 手機用跟windows 網路芳鄰一樣的方式分享檔案裝完後啟動設定一下server, 記得samba server 強制要求一定要設定name directory

SMBSamba Server安卓版應用APK下載

SMB/Samba Server 最新版本安卓版應用最新下載。在您的設備上提供SMBv3 服務器的快速、簡單和安全的應用程序.


A Samba file server enables file sharing across different operating systems over a network. It lets you access your desktop files from a laptop and share files ...

LAN drive - SAMBA Server & Cli

評分 3.6 (2,201) · 免費 · Android LAN驅動器是一個功能強大且簡單的SMB服務器- 也稱為SAMBA服務器- 專為文件共享而設計。

SMBSamba Server

評分 2.5 (166) · 免費 · Android · SMB/Samba 服務器是一種快速、簡單且安全的應用程序,可在您的設備上提供SMBv3 服務器 特徵: * 完全可定制的服務器設置 * 支持SD 卡和附加USB (OTG)

Create a SambaFTP server using Android | by canute

You will need ROOT access on your android device for FTP and Samba, if you want to do without root, then you can ! I might make a tutorial for that too soon.

SMB Server针对于Android

評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · Android 免费地下载Android 平台的SMB Server,它是来自开发商AL-SULTAN - Mohammad Gamal Al-Quaiti 最受欢迎的应用之一。. 在Uptodown.com上找到它.

Why is there no Samba server on Android? : randroidapps

LAN Drive and other SMB/Samba share server apps don't work with modern Android versions (specially without root). What are some good options?

Sharing as SMB on android? : randroidapps

Most of the file manager apps support accessing smb server but I need vice versa; android device shares smb and other devices connect.

[APP][Root][6.0+] SimbaDroid

SimbaDroid is a simple SMB file server for Android. I've written it because I want a way to natively access my phone's storage from my computer.


sambaserver可以讓android手機用跟windows網路芳鄰一樣的方式分享檔案裝完後啟動設定一下server,記得sambaserver強制要求一定要設定namedirectory,SMB/SambaServer最新版本安卓版應用最新下載。在您的設備上提供SMBv3服務器的快速、簡單和安全的應用程序.,ASambafileserverenablesfilesharingacrossdifferentoperatingsystemsoveranetwork.Itletsyouaccessyourdesktopfilesfromalaptopandsharefiles ...,評分3.6(2,201)·免費·A...